Friday, December 18, 2009

Blow away those Winter blues

Protect your skin with ginseng nourishing cream. Winter winds and cold climates can damage and age skin quickly.

Using Ginseng nourishing cream will protect the skin and feed the skin cells giving you a healthy look and feel to the skin.

Use Ginseng Care Serum for very dry skin. Use at night and during the day for dehyrated skin. Ideal for cracked, chaffed skin. Great for cold sores.

Don’t suffer this Winter. You deserve better!!


Friday, December 11, 2009


Although this website has primarily been about socio-political issues and politics, I believe that if I were to examine the ideology of Avaaz more clearly, I’d have to say it’s raising a voice and creating awareness.

Hence I’ve taken it upon to address a wide range of topics lingering in the society.

From eMedicine:

“Psoriasis is a chronic, noncontagious, multisystem, inflammatory disorder. Patients with psoriasis have a genetic predisposition for the illness, which most commonly manifests itself on the skin of the elbows, knees, scalp, lumbosacral areas, intergluteal clefts, and glands penis. The joints are also affected by psoriasis in up to 30% of patients with the disease.

A lot of the victims of psoriasis have been subjected to abusive behaviour, going as far as not being allowed in a community pool because psoriasis is considered contagious. Psoriasis has a tendency to wax and wane with flares related to systemic or environmental factors, including life stress events and infection.”

Multiple types of psoriasis are identified, with discoid psoriasis, also known as plaque psoriasis, being the most common type. Plaque psoriasis usually presents with plaques on the scalp, trunk, and limbs. These plaques appear as focal, raised, inflamed, edematous lesions covered with silvery white scales.

Basically, it looks like this:

Patients with psoriasis have been victims of discriminatory and hurtful remarks. What people need to understand is that this is unstoppable and happens by itself. “Not taking care” or “not using creams” has nothing to do with it. People with psoriasis moisturize themselves equally well as non-psoriasis people do.

From Wikipedia:

“The cause of psoriasis is not fully understood. There are two main hypotheses about the process that occurs in the development of the disease. The first considers psoriasis as primarily a disorder of excessive growth and reproduction of skin cells. The problem is simply seen as a fault of the epidermis and its keratinocytes. The second hypothesis sees the disease as being an immune-mediated disorder in which the excessive reproduction of skin cells is secondary to factors produced by the immune system. T cells (which normally help protect the body against infection) become active, migrate to the dermis and trigger the release of cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-alpha TNFα, in particular) which cause inflammation and the rapid production of skin cells. It is not known what initiates the activation of the T cells.”

What I aim to educate people about is that psoriasis is basically just a chronic skin-rash, non-contagious, caused by extreme weather conditions or stress. Think of it as extreme dryness.

Think before passing rude or hurtful comment that are completely ignorant and make a fool out of oneself. We need to educate ourselves about the problems that surround us, instead of a turning a blind eye to them.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Dealing with Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin affliction that is chronic and affects the skin mainly, but can sometimes affect the joints too. It causes the skin to look inflamed, scaly and so unsightly. But it is not contagious as many people believe. It is a recurring form of skin disorder that varies in severity. It can be due to various factors from genetically inherited to stress related. It usually needs constant treatment and medication. Homeopathy is quite effective and a safer option for people suffering from this skin disorder.

Dr. Sandra Kamiak, a natural doctor in Saratoga will be able to explain how homeopathy works. The homeopathic medicines used to treat psoriasis contain the active ingredient in very small doses and in a diluted form. This means that unlike conventional medication which may have side effects, homeopathy has no side effects and is safe to take as a long term treatment. You can visit her site at to learn more about homeopathy.

The right person to help you

Another reason why Dr. Sandra Kamiak may be the right person to help you is that she believes in holistic healing. Psoriasis may be stress related and if the underlying causes can be addressed, then there may be a change for the better. This natural doctor in Saratoga is also trained in psychosynthesis and uses her knowledge of alternative medicine to help her patients find a solution to their problems. Call her at (408) 741-1332 to fix an appointment.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Benefit Of Aromatherapy Bath Salt

For centuries, the combination of aromatherapy bath salts and water is the basis of a number of potent therapeutic treatments. This kind of therapy is even continuously employed even these days with lots of spas, ayurvedic, holistic centers and health clinics around the world administering such kind of service.

The origin of aromatherapy warm bath salt actually streamed from the belief that the bath salts and essential oils are a wonderfully synergistic combination. Many have believed and even claimed that the relaxing properties of hot water greatly compliment the effects of well chosen bath salts and essential oils, and that the aromatherapy bath salts can provide relief from unpleasant condition such as anxiety and stress. The aromatherapy warm bath salts are even noted to posses that strength to aid the muscles and joint pains, as well as to provide relief to the symptoms of more chronic skin conditions most people are currently suffering.

The aromatherapy bath salts have gained a number of honors from different fields. As you may know, both men and women these days are even enjoying aromatic baths that employ aromatherapy warm bath salts. Their numbers even continue to grow as more and more aromatherapy bath salt services are opening. In the field of sports, most of the therapy clinics employ Hydrotherapy Baths to help the patients recover from joint and muscle injuries.

Several dermatologists are also recommending the Bokek Dead Sea aromatherapy warm bath salt for patients afflicted by eczema, psoriasis and other dry skin conditions. Aside from that, most of the estheticians these days are highly emphasizing the cleansing properties of an aromatherapy bath salt in order to clean pores as well as to detoxify the body. And, much to your surprise, there are a number of aromatherapy warm bath salts out there that can take a vital role on daily and weekly basis even in your own home.

The most well-known aromatherapy bath salt these days is the Dead Sea aromatherapy warm bath salt. This bath salt is noted as a potent option for seborrhea and psoriasis treatment. Several studies were in fact conducted to know the real benefit of this aromatherapy bath salt, and it was found out in the end that 80 percent of the patients affected by psoriasis and osteoarthritis reported less pain after an aromatic bath with the Dead Sea bath salt.

Aside from that, it was found out that in as little as one week, a great number of patients treated with a 10 percent salt concentration in their baths have experienced marked improvement. This improvement was even said to involve relief from itching, skin scaling, and even sleep disturbances. And perhaps one of the best assets of this aromatherapy bath salt is its being free from any adverse side effects.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cure For Infertility - Here's the Ultimate Psoriasis Natural Cure for Kids

cure for infertility

The National Institutes of Bloom NIH describes the action as an allowed arrangement ataxia that affects the skin and occasionally the eyes nails and joints. Crawling is characterised by dry red scales alleged plaques that are both aching and airedale a sometimes affecting condition.

The assessment of our bloom experts is that the allowed arrangement alone responds this way back there is article out of antithesis or the allowed arrangement is accurately responding to the attendance of a adopted protein in added words an allergic reaction. This is accurate by the actuality that the action is generally associated with aliment intolerances and actinic sensitivities.

The aboriginal abode to alpha with a crawling accustomed cure for kids is to analyze the allergen. This can be either a aliment abhorrence – aureate and dairy are generally to accusation – or an abhorrence to domiciliary chemicals soaps perfumes detergents animals or alike jewellery. A simple beating analysis will advice with this.

Take the comatose beating and if it rises added than beats per minute afterwards acknowledgment to the aliment or other again you accept an allergy.

Diet Recommendations

The crawling accustomed cure for kids starts with acclimation the diet

  • No clutter food no aliment out of a box or a can no absurd food annihilate all forms of amoroso and aesthetic or candy carbohydrates bread pizza dough biscuits white aliment etc.
  • Avoid the irritants or allergic foods and activate a circling diet abstain bistro the aforementioned affair at the aforementioned time consistently anniversary day.
  • Increase the assimilation of omega capital blubbery acids from angle and beat berry oil and abate the assimilation of omega oils very accepted oils in nuts vegetable oils grains this will accept the aftereffect of abbreviation the deepening acknowledgment from the allowed system. Omega switches the allowed arrangement on and omega turns it off.

Recommended Supplements

We acclaim the afterward Supplements for a crawling accustomed cure for kids

  • High dosage vitamin A and vitamin E you will charge to argue your bounded naturopath.
  • EFA supplements as angle oil from a trusted source.
  • A supplement absolute zinc chestnut and selenium – a naturopath will advance theraputic doses.
  • Digestive enzymes these will enhance assimilation and rapidly advance the action of bark by abbreviation the anarchic allowed acknowledgment of the allowed system.
  • A probiotic supplement ideal for abating the antithesis of digestive bacilli in the stomach.

Topical washes absolute Calendula and Chamomile may be accessible in abating the inflammation.

Essential oils may additionally be acclimated as a crawling accustomed cure for kids. The capital oils recommended by our aromatherapists include Bergamot Roman chamomile geranium lavender and frankincense.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Neues vom Prinzip Hoffnung

Showdown auf Seite C2: Die Rheinische Post ballert dort bevorstehende politische Personalentscheidungen in Leverkusen nur so raus. Der CDU-Fraktionsvorsitzende Klaus Hupperth verrät der RP: Grüne und SPD könnten sich den Posten des ersten Bürgermeisters teilen, Eva Lux (SPD) die ersten, Roswitha Arnold (Grüne) die zweiten 2,5 Jahre das Amt bekleiden. Das Vorschlagsrecht für den Posten des zweiten Bürgermeisters trete die CDU an Juniorpartner FDP ab, die habe bereits den Opladener Ratsherrn Friedhelm Busch nominiert.
Auch in den Stadtbezirken deuten sich laut RP Änderungen an: Raimund Gietzen (CDU) bleibe Vorsteher im Bezirk III, im Bezirk II solle Rainer Schiefer (CDU) Heinz-Gerd Bast (SPD)* als Vorsteher ablösen, Bezirk I scheine an die SPD zu gehen.
Im Stadtrat wolle das Bündnis von CDU, FDP und OWG-UWG, dem vier Stimmen zur Mehrheit fehlen, „weitgehend gemeinsam arbeiten und abstimmen“. Auch der SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende Walter Mende kommt zu Wort: Die SPD werde „keine Politik der verbrannten Erde betreiben“ – wenn CDU-Oberbürgermeister Reinhard Buchhorn vernünftig auftrete und versöhne „statt zu spalten“ (selig sei Johannes Rau). Heute wollen sich SPD und CDU auf gemeinsame Wahllisten einigen – um ein „Polit-Drama“ am Montag im Rat zu vermeiden, wie die RP schreibt.

Hupperth darf auch noch einmal betonen: „Unsere Verhandlungen mit der Bürgerliste sind an Schoofs gescheitert.“ Und Ulrich Schütz holt im Kommentar dazu die schwersten Geschütze hervor, die bei der RP bereit stehen: „Klaus Hupperth ist Katholik“, beginnt er und zeichnet einen CDU-Fraktionsvorsitzenden, der wie ein milder Samariter noch einmal auf Bürgerliste und Erhard Schoofs zugegangen – und wieder enttäuscht worden sei: „Es hat einfach keinen Sinn mit ihm“, resümiert Hupperth, der laut Schütz doch „das Prinzip Hoffnung schon vom Glauben her im Herzen“ führe.

Das Prinzip Hoffnung gilt auch weiterhin für die DyStar-Mitarbeiter. Weitere unerfreuliche Folgen der DyStar-Pleite erläutert der Leverkusener Anzeiger an einem prominenten Beispiel: SPD-Ratsherr Ferdinand Feller ist seit zwei Jahren DyStar-Vorruheständler und erhält nun nicht mehr seine im Auflösungsvertrag vereinbarte monatliche Ausgleichszahlung. So wie er seien sicher viele andere Frührentner betroffen, mutmaßt Feller. Was den Industriemeister besonders ärgert: „Vom Unternehmen gibt es bis heute keinerlei Information“, zitiert ihn der Anzeiger.

Stärker zur Kasse bitten will der Sportpark Leverkusen laut RP die Leverkusener Vereine: Weil von der Energieversorgung Leverkusen (EVL) statt 6,5 nur 3,2 Millionen Euro geflossen seien und zudem die Zahl der Badbesucher hinter den Erwartungen geblieben sei, stehe beim Sportpark für das laufende Geschäftsjahr nun ein Minus von 364.000 Euro zu Buche.

Großes Thema bei Anzeiger und RP ist der Impfstoff für die Schweinegrippe, der morgen in Leverkusen ankomme und mit dem zunächst Rettungskräfte, Polizei und Feuerwehr versorgt werden sollen. Mitte November beginne dann die Impfung für die Bürger, teilte Amtsarzt Dr. Hans-Eckard Linstaedt auf einer Pressekonferenz mit. Die RP hat sogar gleich zwei Artikel zum Thema im Blatt, auf Seite C4 heißt die Schweinegrippe „neue Grippe“.

Zum 90. Geburtstag gratuliert der Anzeiger kurz Walter Bauer, der einst als Leverkusener Oberstadtdirektor von 1963 bis 1975 die Neugestaltung der Leverkusener City mitprägte.

Der einzige RP-Artikel, der es heute ins Internet geschafft hat, ist die Recherche nach Winterreifen in Leverkusen. Ergebnis: Fast keine mehr da, Bestellungen würden von den Händlern derzeit nur „ohne Termin“ angenommen. (Nachtrag: Ein paar mehr RP-Artikel sind jetzt auch online und auch hier verlinkt)

Der Anzeiger macht seinen Lokalteil heute mit einem Chemie-Workshop in den Ferien für Schüler bei Lanxess auf: „Gymnasiasten experimentieren mit Kautschuk.“

„Drastisch gesunken“ sei in Leverkusen in 2009 bislang die Zahl der Baugenehmigungen, berichtet Susanne Trösser vom Rheinischen Immobilienservice der RP. Ursache: Die Wirtschaftskrise. Klaus Seggewiss von der städtischen Bauaufsicht und Klaus Schuster von Bauunternehmen Paeschke sehen das hingegen nicht so dramatisch.

Zum Welt-Psoriasis-Tag richtet eine regionale Selbsthilfegruppe am Sonntag in Schloss Eicherhof in Leichlingen einen Informationstag zu Hautkrankheiten aus, kündigt der Anzeiger mit einem Porträt der Gründerin der Selbsthilfegruppe, Christine Schüller, an.

Bei einem Ausdauertest für Anwärter auf eine Ausbildung bei der Feuerwehr Leverkusen auf dem Sportplatz Birkenberg war die RP dabei. Feuerwehrausbildungsleiterin Bärbel Wiechert: “Der Ausdauerlauf ist der Knackpunkt.”

Von Opladen in die Fixheide in ehemalige Gaststätte Gaskessel zieht der Farbhandel „Rheinland Color“, meldet die RP.

Kultur: Die RP schaut auf die Shuttle-Nacht der Leverkusener Initiative für Kunst und Kultur (LIKK), die am Samstag mit 23 Bands in elf Kneipen und einem Bus Opladen und Wiesdorf beschallt.
Der Anzeiger wirft einen Blick auf die „Kunst in Schlebuscher Schaufenstern“.

*Korrektur: Natürlich gehört Heinz-Gerd Bast der SPD an, nicht der CDU – ich bitte, den Irrtum zu entschuldigen!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy Selected As Exclusive Specialty Pharmacy For Inland Empire Health Plan Of California

Swartz Creek, Mich, October 20, 2009 – Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy announced today that Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) has chosen Diplomat to be its exclusive provider of Specialty Disease Management services for IEHP members with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Crohn’s Disease.  Diplomat will provide dispensing and patient care services for these disease states for IEHP members effective November 1, 2009. 


“We were selected by IEHP because we will improve services to their members. Our Disease Management Programs are designed specifically to ease the burdens patients face in the management of their challenging conditions,” stated Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy’s President, Phil Hagerman. “Working closely with patients and their physicians we can keep patients more adherent on their medication therapies and that translates into healthier patients. We will be using our new Southern California Distribution center to service our IEHP patients.”


“Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy has one of the best Disease Management Programs we have seen among the industry,” stated Dr. William Henning, Chief Medical Officer for IEHP. “IEHP sets a very high standard when selecting a Disease Management Program.  We want to make sure our Members understand their disease states, the medications that they use, and help them to get better through a structured educational/monitoring program.  We believe Diplomat will help us deliver high quality patient care and improve patients’ quality of life through its innovative and flexible program.” 

About IEHP

IEHP, Inland Empire Health Plan, a Knox-Keene licensed Health Plan located in San Bernardino, California, is a not-for-profit public agency. The IEHP service area includes San Bernardino and Riverside Counties and currently serves over 420,000 Members in the following Programs: Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, Healthy Kids, and a Medicare Advantage Special Needs Program. 



About Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy

Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy is the nation’s largest privately held Specialty Pharmacy and focuses on complete medication management programs for patients with serious and chronic conditions.  Key programs include:  Oncology, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s, Hemophilia, Growth Hormone and Psoriasis.  Other specialty areas include Transplant, Fertility, Dialysis Medication Management, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Specialty Compounding.  The company also specializes in Disease Management programs for Chronic Kidney Disease patients.  With locations in Flint, Swartz Creek and Grand Rapids, MI; Cleveland, OH; Chicago, IL; and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; and a new location in San Bernardino California; Diplomat services the specialty pharmacy needs of patients and physicians nationwide. 

For more information contact:
Kathy Karns

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to manage psoriasis effectively

Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin ailment, which affects both males and females and can manifest at any age – however, it is more frequently seen to affect those aged between 15 and 25 years.

It is categorized as mild, moderate or severe, depending on the percentage of affliction on the body. It is one of the oldest known ailments affecting mankind and continues to be a medical challenge, as it cannot be cured completely and demands lifelong therapy for effective management.

The symptoms of psoriasis differ from one person to another but usually include:

  • Red skin patches with silvery scales
  • Small scaling spots
  • Dry, cracked skin
  • Itching, burning/soreness
  • Thickened, pitted/ridged nails
  • Swollen, stiff joints

Other likely symptoms are:

  • Genital lesions (in males)
  • Joint pain or ache (psoriatic arthritis)
  • Nail alterations (including yellow-brown spots, dents on the nail surface and dislocation of the nail from the base. Psoriasis may also cause psoriatic arthritis (inflammation of the joints).

What are the modern day treatments available to manage psoriasis?

Psoriasis can be managed with a multitude of treatments – however, what works for one patient may have no effect upon another. These include local treatments with emollients (a liquid or cream used to render the skin soft), cortisone cream etc as well as systemic treatments like Cyclosporine and Soriatane.

During the preliminary stages of this ailment, topical treatments with medicated ointments or creams may be used. In more severe or advanced cases, treatments like UV-A light, Psoralen Plus UV-A light, retinoids like Accutane, generic Soriatane aka Acitretin etc. may be required.

Soriatane (or Acitretin) scores high as an oral psoriasis medication – it is today recognized as the best possible treatment that can deal effectively with all the five forms of psoriasis, viz., guttate, plaque, pustular, guttate, erythrodermic, and palmar-plantar.

Soriatane is a retinoid medication which functions by inhibiting specific receptors and thereby boosting the growth of skin cells. It is commonly available in 10 and 25mg strengths and is to be taken once a day. Its dosage may vary from one person to another, depending on various factors like health condition etc.

It may take up to 2-3 weeks for Soriatane treatment to be effective – however, in some cases, marked improvement may be seen in just 8 weeks from commencing usage.

During the course of treatment, one may experience a downturn in the ailment, heightened itchiness’s as well as redness – all of which subside gradually with continuing usage.

What are the do’s and don’ts whilst managing psoriasis?

  • Always keep in mind that psoriasis is a manageable skin condition. Here are a few tips for managing psoriasis and its attendant symptoms effectively:
  • Use an effective sunscreen that can keep your skin moist and protect against hazardous ultraviolet (UV) rays, in case you pan to spend time outdoors.
  • Take a shower or bathe every day with warm water to remove scales. Avoid harsh soaps.

Psoriasis is a chronic and lifelong disease that has no permanent cure. It is an autoimmune disease which affects the skin and joints.  Generic Soriatane can now help you manage this skin ailment quite effectively. Visit the online drugstore today to buy Soriatane 25mg.